November 27, 2008


Do i feel satisfied?

Even myself is wondering on my decision. Human is hard to satisfied.

When you feel satisfied, you will feel happy and show your appreciation.

Choose it yourself.

October 12, 2008


人为什么都喜欢搞对抗?为什么可以从好朋友变成敌人,从情人变成仇人?发生了一些事后,互不秋踩, 撕破脸皮,然后恨对方入骨。




October 06, 2008


Work is pathetic.
Trying hard to build up my network.
My Last resort is back to my island and leave everything behind, if i cant do it in 6 months.
Someone please guide me.

July 13, 2008


It won't be hurt, until you saw it with your own eyes.

Everything happened yesterday.

All commitments and promises are expired.

I will walk along this path all by myself.


June 29, 2008


Ring is a commitment.
Only give it to the person you precious most.
Only accept it from the person you cherished the most.
Then you will find the meaning from it.

June 17, 2008


What is the difference between in IN A RELATIONSHIP and FRIENDS?

My Friend : A Friend won't blame if you're late, but your lover always will.

Me: So True!

Lovers care for every single details until they have forgotten how to have a simple LOVE. That's why the sweetest moment of a love relationship is at the beginning, when it's carefree...

June 16, 2008

If I ain't got you...

If I ain't got you
I ain't got anything
It just don't feel the same
If I ain't got you
And if I ain't got you
I ain't got anything
Can even feel the pain
If I ain't got you

nice song, youtube it...